Determine the statistical relationship between High School GPA's and College GPA's. Student HS/GPA C
Question: Determine the statistical relationship between High School GPA's and College GPA's.
Student HS/GPA College/GPA
Janet Artz 3.0 6.0
Lee Jackson 5.0 9.0
James Coble 2.0 5.0
Sue Brown 3.0 7.0
Marita Estrada 4.0 8.0
Please compute the following statistical indicators:
a. Draw a Scatter Diagram
b. Compute the Least Squares Regression Equation
c. Insert the Regression Line unto the Scatter Diagram
d. Determine the College GPA's for:
i. Dennis Rodman with a HS/GPA of 2.5
ii. Alex Rodriquez with a HS/GPA of 4.5
e. Compute the Correlation Coefficient
f. Compute the Coefficient of Determination
g. Compute the Coefficient of Non-Determination
h. Test the Null Hypothesis with "t"-test of 5% Significance level
i. Estimate the 99 Percent Confidence Interval for Mr. Derek Jeter who has a 2.8 High School GPA.
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