There is some evidence suggesting that you are likely to improve your test score if you rethink a
Question: 14 There is some evidence suggesting that you are likely to improve your test score if you rethink and change answers on a multiple choice exam (Johnsron, 1975). To examine this phenomenon, a teacher gave the same final exam to two sections of a psychology course. The students in one section were told to turn in their exams immediately after finishing, without changing their answers. In the other section students were encouraged to reconsider each question and to change answers whenever they felt it was appropriate. The average score for the n=20 students in the no change section was M=74.2 with SS=460.6. The average for n=20 students in the change section was M=78.6 with SS=512.2.
a. Make a point estimate of the population mean difference between the two test conditions.
b. Make a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean difference between the two conditions.
c. Based on your answer to part b, would a two tailed hypothesis testwith a=.05 conclude that there is a significant difference between the two conditions? (Is u1-u2=0 an acceptable hypothesis?)
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