The data in the table below can be used to explore the association between the rate of television ow

Question: The data in the table below can be used to explore the association between the rate of

television ownership and per capita gross domestic product for several countries.

Country TV’s per Thousand Per Capita GDP (U.S. Dollars)
Algeria 105 5500
Australia 554 23,200
China 321 3,600
Dominican Republic 95 5,700
Hungary 435 11,200
Italy 528 22,100
Russia 410 7,700
Syria 70 3,700
United States 806 36,200

a) Make a scatter plot showing the trend in television ownership versus per capita GDP. Describe

what you see.

b) Determine the correlation and comment on its significance.

c) Find the equation of the line of regression. Interpret the slope of the equation.

d) Use your model to predict the rate of TV ownership for Saudi Arabia, which has a per capita GDP of $10,500. How much confidence do you have in this prediction? Explain.

e) Discuss the impact that the U.S. data exerts on the model.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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