The estimated daily living costs for an executive traveling to various major cities follow. The esti

Question: The estimated daily living costs for an executive traveling to various major cities follow. The estimates include a single room at four-star hotel, beverages, breakfast, taxi fares.

City Daily Living Cost City Daily Living Cost

Bangkok $242.87 Madrid $283.50

Bogota 260.93 Mexico City 212.00

Bombay 139.16 Milan 284.08

Cairo 194.19 Paris 436.72

Dublin 260.76 Rio de Janeiro 240.87

Frankfurt 355.36 Seoul 310.41

Hong Kong 346.32 Tel Aviv 223.73

Johannesburg 165.37 Toronto 181.25

Lima 250.08 Warsaw 238.20

London 326.76 Washington, D.C 250.61

a. Compute the sample mean.

b. Compute the sample standard deviation.

c. Compute a 95% confidence interval for the population standard deviation.

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