Zar (1999) reports on the results of a study comparing concentrations of nitrogen oxides and hydroca

Question: Zar (1999) reports on the results of a study comparing concentrations of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons (in \(\mu \) g/m3) in an urban area that shall remain nameless (well, Zar forgot to name it, anyway). Both pollutants were measured on a representative sample of 11 days, with the following results:

Day Nitrogen Oxides (NO) Hydrocarbons (H) Difference (H – NO)
1 104 108 +4
2 116 118 +2
3 84 89 +5
4 77 71 –6
5 61 66 +5
6 84 83 –1
7 81 88 +7
8 72 76 +4
9 61 68 +7
10 97 96 –1
11 84 81 –3
Mean 83.7 85.8 +2.1
SD 16.9 16.4 4.3

(a) Does the mean difference in pollutant concentration seem large to you in practical terms? Explain briefly. [5 points]

(b) Set up a statistical model for this situation, being explicit about the population, sample and imaginary data sets, and use your model (including the usual inferential summary) to build a 95% confidence interval for the population mean difference in pollutants (what is the population here, precisely?). Is this difference large in statistical terms? Explain briefly. [10 points]

Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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