Solution) Marian Sobriety, the head of the Prescott County Dry-out Florida Committee is concerned that “Too ma

Question: Marian Sobriety, the head of the Prescott County Dry-out Florida Committee is concerned that “Too many Prescottians are drinking entirely too much beer.” She asked Robert Pencil Warren to study the problem of just how much beer Prescottians are drinking in any given week. Working with Bob Sugars[1] and other owners of the food and beverage sellers in the County, Bob finds, in a survey of 366 beer drinkers, that the mean number of ounces of beer consumed in the County is 35.5 with a standard deviation of 7.9 ounces. So, what is the range that you could expect this beer consumption to realistically fall within? If the national average for beer consumption is 40.5 ounces per week, is Marian correct that “Prescott County has a lot of beer drinkers running around drunk all the time?” Or, is she drinking too much of the brew that made Milwaukee famous?

Extra Credit Question #1: How would use this type of statistical test in your organization? Be exact.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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