Occupational prestige is a statistic developed by sociologists to measure the status of one’s occupa

Question: Occupational prestige is a statistic developed by sociologists to measure the status of one’s occupation. Occupational prestige is also a component of what sociologists call socioeconomic status, a composite measure of one’s status in society. On average, people with more education tend to have higher occupational prestige than people with less education.

Prestg80 Statistic
Prestige Score High School Diploma Mean 40.39
Median 40
Std. Deviation 11.44
Minimum 17
Maximum 86
Range 69
Interquartile range 16
Bachelor's Degree Mean 53.19
Median 52
Std. Deviation 12.48
Minimum 19
Maximum 75
Range 56
Interquartile range 17

A. Construct the 90 percent confidence interval for occupational prestige for respondents with only a high school diploma (N=1,412).

B. Construct the 90 percent confidence interval for occupational prestige for respondents with a bachelor’s degree (N=437). State in words the meaning of the result.

C. Use these statistics to discuss differences in occupational prestige scores by educational attainment.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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