You are a new employee of the Long Shot Basketball Camp. The Camp was very successful this past year
Question: You are a new employee of the Long Shot Basketball Camp. The Camp was very successful this past year with over 1000 camper, about 30% of which were female. Many of the students made significant progress in shooting 3 point baskets. They were tested when they arrived and when they left with 20 long shots each time. TheCamp would like to advertise that you can improve your 3 point shooting by more than 20 % by attending LSBC. You are charged with determining whether or not such an advertisement would be factual at a level of confidence of 95%.
The camp records list all of the scores of all of the campers. You randomly select 15 campers and record their before and after scores. These samples are dependent as the last try may be influenced by the first try as each try is by the same camper. You also record the difference as a percentage and as being either positive or negative (or zero). Ex. A camper makes 10 or 20 at the beginning and 12 or 20 at the end, so the difference is + 2/10, a positive 20% (+0.20). Record your differences rounded to the nearest tenth of a percentage point. Ex. Making 9 on the first day of camp and 6 on the last day would be a negative 33% (-0.33).
Camper # Beginning End Difference (%)
301 10 12
17 10 11
876 5 10
35 12 10
990 6 9
345 8 9
222 8 7
287 9 12
4 10 11
195 11 11
295 14 12
663 10 9
782 9 12
935 8 11
689 10 12
Show by means of a Confidence Interval whether Long Shot Basketball Camp can advertise a 20% improvement in shooting three point shots. Also, if the Campers numbers were listed by gender what is an additional test that you might perform?
This problem is probably done more easily by hand than with Excel. Please submit a complete solution. I will be looking for assumptions, calculations, Inferences and conclusions.
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