Using the data (from the 10-point quiz) calculate the standardized score (z score) for each student.
Question: Using the data (from the 10-point quiz) calculate the standardized score (z score) for each student. This is a three-step process: (Using SPSS)
? Create a new variable in the table named "standardscore."
? Find the mean and the standard deviation for all students using the Analyze>Descriptive Statistics>Descriptives command.
? Calculate a value for "standardscore" by entering the formula for calculating the z score using the Transform>Compute command.
Once you have completed the data transformation, use the Analyze>Descriptive Statistics>Frequencies command to create two histograms. One histogram will be for the "score variable; the second histogram will be for the "standardscore" variable. When you create the histograms, make sure to that you check the "With Normal Curve" option on the dialog box.
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