Consider the following data collected over the past 12 months representing artificial membrane produ

Question: Consider the following data collected over the past 12 months representing artificial membrane production output (in units) for a medical device manufacturing plant:

Week Output Week Output Week Output Week Output
1 27 14 22 27 33 40 22
2 35 15 24 28 51 41 24
3 41 16 27 29 41 42 45
4 33 17 30 30 52 43 34
5 69 18 34 31 35 44 44
6 45 19 38 32 29 45 34
7 44 20 42 33 31 46 61
8 46 21 45 34 28 47 45
9 23 22 51 35 52 48 56
10 37 23 63 36 61 49 41
11 39 24 34 37 65 50 45
12 57 25 72 38 45 51 32
13 20 26 45 39 73 52 45

For the weekly production output presented above calculate the following:

a. The arithmetic mean or average

b. The median

c. The mode

d. The range

e. The variance

f. The standard deviation

g. Generate a frequency histogram using the following classes:

- 0 to 9

- 10 to 19

- 20 to 29

- 30 to 39

- 40 to 49

- 50 to 59

- 60 to 69

- 70 to 79

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 5 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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