Bintang Corporation is a West Coast wholesaler that markets to several manufacturers of leisure prod

Question: Bintang Corporation is a West Coast wholesaler that markets to several manufacturers of leisure products. Bintang Corporation has an 80-person sales force that sells to wholesalers in a six-state area divided into two sales regions. The table below gives the names from a sample of 11 salespersons, some descriptive information about each salesperson, and the sales performance of each for the past 2 years. (Use any statistical software you are familiar with to answer the questions that follows)


Years of Previous Current

Region Salesperson Age Experience Year (RM) Year (RM)

Northern Jason 40 7 412,744 411,007
Northern Ghani 60 12 1,491,024 1,726,630
Northern Lam 26 2 301,421 700,112

Northern Milla 39 1 401,241 471,001
Northern Mawi 64 5 448,160 449,261
Southern Yong 51 2 518,897 519,412
Southern Fisah 34 1 846,222 713,333
Southern Kim 62 10 1,527,124 2,009,041
Southern Kumarr 42 3 921,174 1,030,000
Southern Mansor 64 5 463,399 422,798
Southern Weiner 27 2 548,011 422,001

a) Calculate a mean and a standard deviation for each variable and set a 95 percent confidence interval around the mean for each variable.

b) Calculate the median, mode, and range for each variable.

c) Organize the data on current year sales into a frequency distribution with the following classes: (c) under RM500,000, (b) RM500,001 to RM999,999, and (c) RM1,000,000 and over.

d) Organize the data on years of selling experience into a frequency distribution consisting of two classes: less than 5 years and 5 or more years.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The answer consists of 3 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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