The director of Admissions of a small college selected 120 students at random from the new freshman
Question: The director of Admissions of a small college selected 120 students at random from the new freshman class in a study to determine whether a student's grade point average (GPA) at the end of the freshman year can be predicted from the ACT test score. The results of the study may be found in the text file CH01PR19.txt on the CD under the directory Chapter 1 Data Sets. Do the following,
? Read the text file into this Minitab Project File.
? Obtain a 99 percent confidence interval for the slope and interpret your results. Would you accept or reject the null hypothesis that Beta One = 0 based upon the confidence interval?
? Test whether or not a linear association exists between GPA and ACT score using the F test at alpha = .01.
? What is the relationship between the t and the F statistic?
? Show that the residuals sum to zero (0).
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