At a certain advertising firm it has been stated by the director of marketing that all business week

Question: At a certain advertising firm it has been stated by the director of marketing that all business weekdays (not weekends) are equally likely (i.e.. are proportionately the same) for a client's customers to place orders using free "800" telephone numbers. If a random sample of the latest 500 phone sales records (100 for each day) reveals the following number of customer calls by day-of-week, test the marketing director's assertion at the 1% level.


# CALLS WITH SALES: 69 74 54 59 74

# CALLS WITH NO SALES: 31 26 46 41 26

Extra Credit #2 (Max 5 Points): For Q#4, develop a 99% CIE for the true proportion of Friday calls with no sales (what would be the minimum sample size to get this estimate to within 5%?)

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 5 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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