George Whatacop, Prescott’s infamous, I mean famous, head of law enforcement has been watching the n

Question: A. Using the information on the Final Data File sent to you with this examination, use the teacher’s salaries in dollars information (see tab at bottom for question 33) as the dependent variable, and the total number of teachers and the teacher’s salary as a percent of total state spending as independent variables. Construct your null and research hypotheses and find out which of the independent variables appear to have the strongest impact on the amount of teacher’s salaries that they receive by using a multiple regression technique. Remember to show your work.

B. Next predict what the average teacher’s salary would be in a state with 58,569 teachers whose total teachers’ salaries make up 41.35 percent of total state spending.

C. How does this amount compare to the average for the nation – explain your answer.

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