The Swartz Advertising Group of Prescott City recently won a contract from the Swamp Water Bottling

Question: The Speedy Car Rental Company, with offices almost nowhere, is concern that renters are not renting their cars for long enough periods. Their special, “Rent this Pile of Junk” promotion only had limited success. They selected a random sample of 15 different renters at three of their locations, Boston, Prescott, and Los Angeles, and found the following number of days rented during their promotion.

Boston Prescott City Los Angeles
5 7 7
3 7 5
7 11 8
1 5 11
2 7

First write out your null and research hypotheses, next perform a one-way ANOVA at the .05 level of significance, and determine if the mean number of days of car rentals was the same at all three locations. Remember to show your work and try to answer the question.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 4 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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