The file predator-prey size ratio.sav contains data on the ratio of the body mass of predators to th
Question: The file predator-prey size ratio.sav contains data on the ratio of the body mass of predators to that of their prey (ratio: the ratio on the arithmetic scale; logratio: common log of ratio). Two explanatory variables are also included:
Habitat (3 levels): freshwater, marine, terrestrial.
Predator Type (3 levels): ectotherm vertebrate, endotherm vertebrate, invertebrate.
c. (5 points) Analyze logratio with Model I ANOVA, the factors being habitat and predtype and interpret the ANOVA table. Is there a significant difference in predator-prey size ratio among habitats? How about among predator types? Is there a significant interaction?
d. (5 points) Use SPSS to create profile plots. Diagram the mean effect of Predator Type and the mean effect of Habitat. Also generate box plots for logratio by habitat and predtype using the Graphs, Boxplot menu. Interpret the results.
e. (2 points) What do these results suggest biologically?
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