For each model separately regress price on mileage, year, transmission type and seller. You will hav

Question: For each model separately regress price on mileage, year, transmission type and seller. You will have to construct dummy variables for the qualitative variables. Test the significance of each parameter estimate(difference from zero)at 5%. compare the estimated parameters on miles and year to those obtained in 4. Why do they differ? For each model estimate the average price of a 2005 model with 25,000 miles with a manual transmission and then an automatic transmission sold by a dealer or sold by a private party. (This is done regardless of the significance of any particular parameter). There will be sixteen price estimates in all. Present all regression results in table and equation form. Be sure to include t values, critical t values, R2 and R2 adjusted for degrees of freedom.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 7 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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