Satisfaction with weight, quality of life and age are all predictors of overall state of health. Exp

Question: Satisfaction with weight, quality of life and age are all predictors of overall state of health. Explain results. What is the proportion of variance explaining overall state of health?

Model summary
Model R R square Adjusted R square Standard error of the estimate
1 5.15 0.265 0.26 1.57
a. Predictors:(constant), satisfaction with weight, years of education, work status
Model sum of squares df Mean square F Sig.
regression 377.937 3 125.979 51.354 0
residual 1047.501 427 2.453
total 1425.439 430
a. Predictors:(constant), satisfaction with weight, age, quality of life in past month
b. dependent variable: quality of overall state of health life
unstandardized coefficient standardized coefficient
B Std error Beta t Sig.
(constant) 4.579 0.397 11.525 0
weight satisfaction 0.029 0.281 6.531 0
quality of life 0.072 0.356 8.313 0
-1.22E-02 0.006 -0.084 -2.011 0.045
a. dependent variable: overall state of health
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Answer: The solution consists of 2 pages
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