Solution) A researcher is interested in determining whether there is a relationship between high school averag

Question: A researcher is interested in determining whether there is a relationship between high school average and job performance ((the higher the number, the better the performance) at a certain company.

High school average (X) Job performance (Y)
60 2
78 5
98 10
66 3
87 8
77 5
61 4
90 6
91 7
79 6
88 7
99 9
88 4
85 8
81 9

∑X = 1,228; ∑Y = 93; ∑XY = 7,932; ∑X2 = 102,560; ∑ Y2 = 655

Price: $2.99
Answer: The answer consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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