An educational researcher believes that students learn best in small groups (fewer than three people

Question: An educational researcher believes that students learn best in small groups (fewer than three people per group) than in big groups. She selects a class of 30 biostatistics students and divides them into three treatments groups: no intervention, assignment to small study group, and assignment to large study group. At the end of the course, these are the final grades for the three groups (12 points):

No intervention Small Group Large Group
87 87 89
86 85 91
76 99 96
56 85 87
78 79 89
98 81 90
77 82 89
66 78 96
75 85 96
67 91 93

What is your null hypothesis?

What is your alternative hypothesis?

Please provide all computations and statistical values related to your inferential test in the proper format, below:

SS DF MS Test Statistic p-value or critical value

Can the researcher conclude that there is a significant difference among the three groups? Can she conclude just from the data in the table above that small groups are superior to large groups or no intervention? Why or why not?

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 4 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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