Experiment: 24 monkeys are given an “oddity problem” in which they are shown three objects (e.g., tw

Question: Experiment: 24 monkeys are given an “oddity problem” in which they are shown three objects ( e.g., two circles and a square). Under the odd object (the square in this case), is hidden a food reward. The objective is to see how many trials it takes for the monkey to learn to choose the odd object. There are two independent variables: Reward size (1 grape, 3 grapes, or 5 grapes) and Drive (1 hour of food deprivation, or 24 hours of food deprivation).

Conduct a thorough analysis of the factorial. Save data to answer the following question: What effect do reward size and extent of food deprivation (i.e., motivation) have on the rate at which monkeys learn to select the odd object. Don’t forget to check your assumptions!

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 4 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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