Hyperactivity in children usually is treated by counseling, by drugs or by both. The following data

Question: Hyperactivity in children usually is treated by counseling, by drugs or by both. The following data are from an experiment designed to evaluate the effectiveness of these different treatments. The dependent variable is a measure of attention span (how long each child was able to concentrate on a specific task.)

Drug No drug
Counseling n = 10 T = 140 SS = 40 n = 10 T = 80 SS=36
No Counseling n = 10 T = 120 SS = 45 n = 10 T = 100 SS = 59
ΣX2 = 5220

a. Use ANOVA with α = .05 to evaluate these data.

b. Do the data indicate that the drug has a significant effect? Does the counseling have an effect? Describe these results in terms of the effectiveness of the drug and counseling and their interaction.

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