Solution) The Prescott Casket Company prides itself on its work. Its motto is “Your sleep of ages begins with

Question: The Prescott Casket Company prides itself on its work. Its motto is “Your sleep of ages begins with us.” Recently Rich Mortimer, the company manager, has become worried that their number of defects has been increasing. Rich said, “Those defects are killing me!” He has collected information on the production and the number of defects for 10 randomly selected hours over the past month. Here is what he found.

Production Rate of Caskets per Hour Number of Defects Detected
400 24
450 30
350 14
375 20
400 32
400 32
450 31
300 23
300 17
300 24

First list the null and research hypotheses, next analyze this information and indicate if Rich Mortimer is correct or not that defects and the rate of casket production are related. Show your work and answer the question. Then tell me the number of caskets produced if there are 28 defects in one hour and the range of the caskets being produced. (No extra credit this time, you got it for the one above.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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