One of nature’s patterns connects the percent of adult birds in a colony that return from the prev

Question: 4 One of nature’s patterns connects the percent of adult birds in a colony that return from the previous year and the number of new adults that join the colony. Here are data for 13 colonies

%Return New Adults
74 5
66 6
81 8
52 11
73 12
62 15
52 16
45 17
62 18
46 18
60 19
46 20

(a) Find the correlation.

(b) Find the least-squares regression

(c) Explain in words what the slope of the regression line tells us.

(d) An ecologist uses the line, based on 13 colonies, to predict how many birds will join another colony to which 60% of the adults from the previous year return. What is the prediction?

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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