Twenty subgroups of size 4 are obtained for the purpose of determining trial control lim

Question: (20 points) Twenty subgroups of size 4 are obtained for the purpose of determining trial control limits for an -and an -chart. The data are as follows

Sample# S Sample# S
1 32.6 1.6733 11 29.8 1.7889
2 33.4 2.6077 12 34.0 1.7321
3 35.0 1.5811 13 33.0 3.8079
4 32.2 1.6432 14 34.8 1.7889
5 33.8 0.8367 15 35.6 2.6077
6 35.4 1.1402 16 32.8 2.4900
7 31.6 1.5166 17 33.0 2.0000
8 36.8 4.3818 18 31.6 1.5166
9 35.0 5.4314 19 28.2 3.4205
10 34.0 2.5495 20 33.8 2.3875

a) Determine the trial control limits for each chart

b) Use Minitab to verify your solution in part a)

Price: $2.99
See Answer: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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