The administration at Rossford General Hospital is investigating the quality of meals served to pati

Question: The administration at Rossford General Hospital is investigating the quality of meals served to patients. A ten-day survey is conducted by submitting a questionnaire to 50 patients with the noon meal each day. The patients are required only to indicate whether the meal was satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The results are shown below:

Date Sample Size Number of unsatisfactory meals

May 1 50 2
May 2 50 3
May 3 50 1
May 4 50 4
May 5 50 8
May 6 50 2
May 7 50 5
May 8 50 4
May 9 50 7
May 10 50 4

a. Construct an attribute control chart (Percent Defective Chart) for the proportion of the patients dissatisfied with their meal.

b. Interpret the chart and comment on your findings.

Price: $2.99
See Solution: The solution consists of 4 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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