Consider the universe of all polygons with three or four sides, and define the following open statem

Question: Consider the universe of all polygons with three or four sides, and define the following open statements for this universe.

a(x): all interior angles of x are equal

e(x): x is an equilateral triangle

h(x): all sides of x are equal\

i(x): x is an isosceles triangle

p(x): x has an interior angle that exceeds 180 degrees

q(x): x is a quadrilateral

r(x): x is a rectangle

s(x): x is a square

t(x): x is a triangle

Translate each of the following statements into an English sentence, and determine whether the statement is true or false.

a) \(\forall x[q(x)exclusive/or\text{ }t(x)]\)

b) \(\exists x[t(x)\wedge p(x)]\)

c) \(\forall x[(a(x)\wedge t(x))\leftrightarrow e(x)]\)

d) \(\exists x[r(x)\wedge \neg s(x)]\)

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Solution: The solution file consists of 2 pages
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