Let {u_1}=(3,3,6), {u_2}=(4,4,3) and {u_3}=(6,3,3), write v=(41,5,12) as a linear combination { {u_1

Question: Let \[{{u}_{1}}=\left( 3,3,6 \right),\text{ }{{u}_{2}}=\left( 4,4,3 \right)\text{ and }{{u}_{3}}=\left( 6,3,3 \right)\], write \[v=\left( 41,5,12 \right)\] as a linear combination { \[{{u}_{1}},\text{ }{{u}_{2}},\text{ and }{{u}_{3}},\] } if possible.

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Solution: The answer consists of 1 page
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