Given the lines {x}=(1,2,-1)+t(3,1,2) , {y}=(9,0,1)+s(-1,2,1) , (a) Determin

Question: Given the lines

\[\begin{aligned} & \mathbf{x}=\left( 1,2,-1 \right)+t\left( 3,1,2 \right) \\ & \mathbf{y}=\left( 9,0,1 \right)+s\left( -1,2,1 \right) \\ \end{aligned}\]

(a) Determine whether they intersect.

(b) If they intersect find the equation of the plane determined by the lines.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 4 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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