[See Steps] A researcher used stepwise regression to create regression models to predict BirthRate (births per thousand) using five predictors: LifeExp

Question: A researcher used stepwise regression to create regression models to predict BirthRate (births per thousand) using five predictors: LifeExp (life expectancy in years), InMort (infant mortality rate), Density (population density per square kilometer), GDPCap (Gross Domestic Product per capita), and Literature (literacy percent). Interpret these results.

Regression Analysis – Stepwise Selection (best model of each size).

153 observations

BirthRate is the dependent variable

Nvar LifeExp InfMort Density GDPCap Literate S Adj R squared R squared
1 .0000 6.318 .722 .724
2 .0000 .0000 5.334 .802 .805
3 .0000 .0242 .0000 5.261 .807 .811
4 .5764 .0000 .0311 .0000 5.273 .806 .812
5 .5937 .0000 .6289 .0440 .0000 5.287 .805 .812

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