[Step-by-Step] Occupational prestige is a statistic developed by sociologists to measure the status of one's occu pation. Occupational prestige is also

Question: Occupational prestige is a statistic developed by sociologists to measure the status of one's occu pation. Occupational prestige is also a component of what sociologists call socioeconomic sta tus, a composite measure of one's status in society. On average, people with more education tend to have higher occupational prestige than people with less education. We investigate this using me 2002 GSS variable PRESTG80 and the Explore procedure to generate the selected SPSS output shown in Figure 5.16.

  1. Notice that SPSS supplies the Interquartile range (IQR), the median, and the minimum and maximum values for each group. Looking at the values of the mean and median, do you think the distribution of prestige is skewed for respondents with a high school diploma? For respondents with a bachelor's degree? Why or why not?
  2. Explain why you think there is more variability of prestige for either group, or why the
    variability of prestige is similar for the two groups.

Figure 5.16

PRESTG80 Statistic
Mean 40.39
Std. Deviation 11.44
Minimum 17
Maximum 86
Range 69
Interquartile Range 16
Bachelor's Degree Mean 53.19
Median 52.00
Std. Deviation 12.48
Minimum 19
Maximum 75
Range 56
Interquartile Range 17

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