(Step-by-Step) Consider the function: F (x1, x2, y) = x1^2 − x2^2 + y^3. Show that the equation F (x1, x2, y) = 0 defines y as an implicit function of x1

Question: Consider the function: F (x1, x2, y) = x1^2 − x2^2 + y^3.

  1. Show that the equation F (x1, x2, y) = 0 defines y as an implicit function of x1
    and x2 near the point (x1, x2) = (6, 3).
  2. Use the implicit function theorem to compute: ∂y/∂x1 and ∂y/∂x2

at the point (x1, x2) = (6, 3).

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