Solution: The most common research activity in everyday business - #80199

Eagle Industries: A Business Research Case

1. Descriptive Statistics Analysis Project.

The most common research activity in everyday business is the task of assembling quantititative data from some area of business operations and then preparing a general descriptive analysis for reporting to management and/or to assist in decision making. The Descriptive Statistics Analysis Project presents the student with an Excel worksheet of data from an imanginary business [Eagle Industries]. The student is required to edit the data using MS Excel functions and data base tools and then to analyze the data to describe key aspects of the Eagle Industries’ customer base. The final product of the Eagle Industries Case is a written paper presenting the results of the descriptive analysis. Students are provided wide discretion in choosing the focus and level of detail of their analysis. The final report is expected to include appropriate graphics [charts and graphs] to support the narrative annalysis.

Written assignments in this course are to be typed, double-spaced, spell checked and edited for correct grammar. They are to be referenced using APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines. Any graphs, tables and/or figures are to be formatted in APA style also. In addition to the content of a student’s work, quality of writing and paper format will be taking into consideration for grading. Written work will be evaluated for clarity, relevance, coherence, logic, depth, consistency, and consideration for the implications of arguments

About Eagle Industries[1]

Eagle Industries is an imaginary business. The company operates nationally, manufacturing and selling a range of industrial equipment to a large customer base. As a business analyst based at the Corporate HQ, your task is to analyze customer data and formulate advice to the senior executive team.

The Excel worksheet which accompanies this case guide presents a sample of account data for 99 customer accounts selected at random from the company's Customer Relationship Management database. The database maintains records on customer account history, industry segment, order frequency and total purchases for the prior 12 months. The database also contains data describing the customer's level of satisfaction with Eagle Industries' products and customer support and a profile of problems experienced. An asterisk [*] indicates no data is available.


Part I: Descriptive Analysis

1. Using appropriate descriptive statistics methods, describe the customer base of Eagle Industries. Analyze the customer account data as shown, without additional data manipulation. [Preliminary Customer Profile]

2. Using MS Excel functions [logical and statistical], edit the database as described below.

a. Calculate 'Account Tenure' and 'Average Order' size for each customer account.

b. Devise a criteria to categorize accounts by 'Account Size' [Large, Medium, Small]. Apply the criteria to assign each account to one account size category.

c. Devise a criteria to classify each account as either 'At Risk' or 'Not At Risk'. Apply the criteria to each account.

d. Devise a criteria to classify each account as either a 'Key Account', a 'General Account' or a 'Marginal Account'. Apply the criteria to each account.

With this edited data, what additional statements can you make about the company's customer base? [Enhanced Customer Profile]

3. Based on your knowledge of business strategy and your own philosophy of management ... [Targeted Account Profile]

a. What, in your opinion, is Eagle Industries' most important customer segment? [What is your 'theory of the business' for Eagle Industries?

b. What can you say about Eagle Industries’ customers in this segment?

Price: $53.75
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 11 pages, and 1029 words
Deliverable: Word Document and pdf

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