I will post a data set Neeltemp.txt with data and background information concerning an experiment conducted

  1. I will post a data set Neeltemp.txt with data and background information concerning an experiment conducted to model Neel temperatures (TN, degrees K) of stainless steel samples in terms of the steel sample’s percentages of 7 elements: CR, NI, MN, SI, MO, C, and N. I have provided an INPUT statement; please use it, and the provided variable names and labels, for this assignment. Use SAS to do the following; provide me with your main PROC REG output page, a copy of your program, and your discussion of the other output. Do not give me any output other than the main PROC REG page.
  1. Fit the multiple regression and critique the formal model assumptions. This should include statement of the formal model (defining notation), preplots of TN versus each variable, a residuals vs. predicted values plot, a Normal plot and Normal tests for the residuals, a sequence plot of the residuals (plot of residuals vs. the created variable INDEX, which gives the time order of the runs), and a plot of the autocorrelation function. Write comments about each diagnostic check; a sentence or two should suffice for each; Please use the tables on the next page to help organize your answer. You need not give me copies of the plots; I’ve seen them. Be sure to tell me what you see in each check, though, or I will assume you did not do the check.
    A 47.9 18.3 10.1 1.57 .50 .20 .028 .039
    B 48.1 18.3 10.1 1.57 .50 .20 .058 .039
    C 47.1 18.3 10.1 1.57 .50 .20 .089 .039
    D 44.3 18.0 9.91 1.50 .57 .205 .037 .12
    E 43.8 18.0 9.91 1.5 .57 .205 .067 .12
    F 42.25 18.0 9.91 1.5 .57 .205 .094 .12
    G 36.5 20.3 9.97 1.42 .55 .195 .03 .24
    H 36.4 20.3 9.97 1.42 .55 .195 .057 .24
    I 35.0 20.3 9.97 1.42 .55 .195 .085 .24
    J 55.0 18.1 8.66 2.0 .63 .31 .028 .11
    K 52.0 19.35 7.89 2.01 .64 .32 .022 .19
    L 72.5 18.22 8.7 3.85 .59 .31 .025 .11
    M 70.0 19.25 7.84 3.85 .65 .31 .024 .19
    N 74.0 18.71 8.22 4.03 .62 .31 .023 .15
    O 84.0 19.48 7.83 5.79 .61 .31 .024 .21
    P 86.5 18.42 8.29 5.8 .62 .31 .031 .15
    Q 39.0 20.05 10.97 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0
    R 27.0 20.04 13.97 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0
    S 22.0 19.99 15.92 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0
    T 16.0 20.02 18.0 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0
    U 22.0 18.01 17.03 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0
    V 40.0 18.25 13.03 1.69 .47 .01 .05 .04
    W 26.0 17.96 17.12 1.67 .49 .01 .05 .04
    X 19.0 17.78 20.17 1.69 .45 .01 .05 .04
    Y 66.0 15.5 23.0 9.3 .05 2.2 .03 .17
    Z 21.0 14.2 16.1 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0
    1 22.5 18.0 17.0 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0
    2 10.3 22.0 17.0 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0
    3 7.5 24.0 17.0 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0
  2. Obtain and interpret 99% confidence intervals for the regression coefficients for NI, MN, and SI; 6 points for the interpretations.
  1. Obtain and interpret a 95% prediction interval for the Neel temperature that would be obtained at the combination of elemental percentages defined by the average CR, NI, MN, etc., in the data set. You will probably need to determine these averages in a separate run.
  2. Test the (single) hypothesis that both Carbon and Nitrogen are not important for modeling mean Neel Temperature. Give H 0 and H A in terms of the model -coefficients. Give the value of the test statistic, a P=-value, and an interpretation for the physicists.
Price: $26.87
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 11 pages, 1587 words and 5 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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