What is a College Degree Good For?

Really, do I need a college degree?

Well, times have changed. Back in the day, it was certainly possible to make it with just a High School diploma. We are talking about the 50's and 60's, where the post-war economy was thriving and there was abundance of jobs that require little to no level of specialization, and there were many of those. So you just could have been part of a production line and earn your well deserve job benefits and retire into one steady job. That was the case when most of the productive lines were still based on America, but now things have changed.

The configuration of the world has changed. China has turned into a super power and most of the jobs that were based in America are now based somewhere in China. The increase in the cost of living and the social security crisis have made it almost impossible for families with only one income earner, and let alone if that income earner only possesses a High School Diploma.

There are simply not enough jobs requiring low skills. Nowadays, the jobs that are still based in the U.S. require an increasing level of specialization, and on top of that, the competition is so fierce that companies can afford the luxury of even psychologically profile and select their job applications based on factors beyond job qualification only. Are you not still convinced that you need a college degree?

Ok, you got it, but how do I get one?

That is something I hear a lot. Many people come to the realization that a college degree will make a positive impact in their lives, but yet, they do not know where to start. Starting to think about applying to university, gathering all the required paperwork can daunting. My advice in that case is to start at the most logical and affordable place, which would be your local community college.

College Degree

Even though it is more glamorous to think that you will attend college to one of those Ivy League universities, sometimes it is simply not possible for many reasons. Do not take me wrong, though. You should try to apply to the best possible place that you can afford, but in some cases the most sensible option is a local community college.

In a place like a community college you can find quality education that can even lead you a better universities if you are so inclined. In fact, you can study some basic, applied degree at a community college which could greatly enhance your chances of finding a profitable and rewarding career path, and you are opening yourself the door to a whole array of future opportunities.

Where do I sign in?

First thing you need to do, is to search for advice at your local community college. Qualified advisors can give you a better view, based on your specific facts and interests. If you are concerned about how to fund your education, they can help you to find the best funding sources, which there are plenty. Do not procrastinate, your future is there, at your reach.

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