Area and Volume of a Cube

Instructions: Use this Area and Volume of a Cube calculator by entering the side \(l\) of a cube and the corresponding unit (cm, mt, ft, etc) and the solver will compute the area and volume showing all the steps.

Type the side of the cube \(l\) =

How to Calculate the Area and Volume of a Cube?

In order to compute the area and the volume of a cube of side \(l\) we use the following formulas:

\[\text{Area} = 6 l^2\] \[\text{Volume} = l^3\]

It is quite simple to compute the area and the volume of a cube when the side is given, by simply plugging the side \(l\) in the above formulas. For example, if the side is \(l = 3\), then we compute

\[\text{Area} = 6 l^2 = 6 \cdot 3^2 = 54 \] \[\text{Volume} = l^3 = 3^3 = 27 \]

which completes the calculation of the area and volume.

Another related calculator is this cone calculator , used to compute the surface area and volume of a cone.

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